On December 31st, Kellee Santiago wrote:
For my birthday, I would like to see some photos and/or video of the next Poker Night! Let's spice this blog UP. I would also be interested to know what you think is the best show on television right now.
First of all, thanks for mentioning Poker Night, which as you all know, returns on January 17th. What, what! Soon this blog will be spicier than that foriegn exchange student from a South American country. Hachacha!
But Back to the question at hand. What is the best television show on right now. Now, this is an odd time to be coming out with my favorite show, because we are so far into the season, there are no HBO/Showtime series playing right now, and we are about to be inundated with the dreaded mid-season replacements-of which I obviously have not seen any yet.
Of course there are exceptions as some mid-season shows are old shows that haven't been performing that well(Scrubs), and others are held back so they can be played straight through the rest of the season without repeats(24).
Some shows that I really love just aren't that interesting to talk about right now like The Office(all you British version lovin' snobs are finally getting off your collective high horse and tuning in) and Weeds(I mean, it's been over forever and isn't coming back any time soon). With that said I will talk about my favorite show that is about to air it's long awaited season premiere. Drumroll please...

Now for a long time Scrubs was seen as the lesser of the two sitcoms (at that time) shot without a laugh track by a single camera.(most shows are shot using a three camera set up while Scrubs is shot by a single camera that makes it possible to follow characters as they move through different sets-this extra information is for my mother who still won't have any idea what I'm talking about) The other and more critic approved being Arrested Development.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love Arrested Development as much as the next guy, but during the hoopla surrounding its cancellation I realized something. I wasn't as excited as should be to see new episodes. The problem isn't that the show is "too smart" but that I didn't care about what happened to the characters. They are too cartoony and so are the situations they find themselves in. Rarely does something believable happen on that show.
Scrubs on the other hand presents a wonderfully brilliant and wacky show that never loses its believability because most of it's insanity happens in the confines of fantasy sequences. Zach Braff is a comedic genious, the second Becky is funny AND hot - two things that basically never come together - and it has the most wonderful cast and writers that I just want hug and squeeze til I pop the life right out of them. (I am not a reviewer, you may have noticed)
So anyway, leave your questions in the comment box and maybe you too can get your question answered by the one and only Nick Turner.